Posted in commonsense knowledgebases, Compressed Video, Computer Vision, dcapi, DCAPI blog, DHS, Elderly, EPSRC network, I-Frame, iNET Scooter, International, Knowledge Engineering, Language, NDA program, PhD, Research, research project, semantic gap, Semantic Video Annotation, Surgeon training, SUS-IT, Uncategorized, Video Analysis, video information retrieval, Video Matching, Video search engine, Virtual Reality, Virtual training
Interested in joining us as a “Research Fellow”?
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Welcome to the DCAPI research group.

Our multi-disciplinary research is mainly focused on the analysis and mining of digital contents (Visual; images and videos, and textual). This includes Computer Vision, Image/Video Processing and analysis, Semantic Analysis, annotation, Action recognition, Image/Video Matching and similarity (Copy & Near-Duplicate detection), and many others.

We welcome any discussion and potential collaboration. Please get in touch with us (contacts on the right side-bar).

Posted in Computer Vision, dcapi, DCAPI blog, EPSRC network, Language, Research, Workshop

Two Presentations and Posters in the Vision & Language Network workshop

Three members of the Lincoln School of Computer Science, and the DCAPI group, have attended the Vision & Language (V&L) Network workshop, 13-14th Dec. 2012 in Sheffield, UK.

Amr Ahmed, Amjad Al-tadmri and Deema AbdalHafeth attended the event, where Amjad and Deema delivered  2 oral presentations and 2 posters about their research work:

1. VisualNet: Semantic Commonsense Knowledgebase for Visual Applications
2. Investigating text analysis of user-generated contents for health related applications

Abstracts are available on (

Congratulations for all involved.

Amjad Altadmri and Amr Ahmed around their poster at the Vision & Language Net workshop, 13-14th Dec 2012, Sheffield, UK.
Amjad Altadmri and Amr Ahmed around their poster at the Vision & Language Net workshop, 13-14th Dec 2012, Sheffield, UK.
Deema AbdalHafeth and Amr Ahmed at the Vision & Language Net workshop, 13-14th Dec 2012, Sheffield, UK.
Deema AbdalHafeth and Amr Ahmed at the Vision & Language Net workshop, 13-14th Dec 2012, Sheffield, UK.

The event included tutorial sessions (Vision for language people, and language for vision people). We had an increased presence this year.

Last year, we had a good presence in the last year’s workshop (, had good discussions and useful feedback on the presented work.

Looking forward for similar, if not even better, experience this year.

Best wishes for the presentations.

Posted in Computer Vision, dcapi, DCAPI blog, EPSRC network, Knowledge Engineering, Language, Research, Workshop

V&L Network workshop, Brighton

Dr Amr Ahmed attended the Vision & Language Netowork Workshop in Brighton last Thursday 15th September, where 2 posters and oral presentation were presented from the DCAPI group.

DCAPI poster at the V&L Network workshop - Sept'11 - Brighton

DCAPI poster at the V&L workshop


Over 40 researchers, from vision and language areas, attended and it was a good opportunity for networking and exchange of contacts and ideas. Posters and sides will be available on the network’s website in the near future

Amr and a keynote speaker

Amr and a keynote speaker

Amr and a keynote speaker

Amr and one of the keynote speaker


Mr Amjad Altadmri also attended and presented in the event.

Some nice photos in Brighton,

Amr in Brighton Pier

Amr in Brighton Pier

with some Icereame! :)